Welcome to...

The Poetry Palace

A free community for creators, readers, & fans of poetry (literary or speculative)

About us

The Poetry Palace was founded in February 2023 as a haven for writers, readers, and fans of poetry because people kept asking whether there was an online community for people who enjoy all kinds of poetry, no matter the genre.


The Poetry Palace features helpful resources, a poetry chat (for talking via poems!), channels for celebrating acceptances and rejections, places to share poems you've enjoyed in the wild, and more!

join us!

The Poetry Palace is currently an invite-only community, but you're welcome to request an invite! Members are welcome to invite colleagues and friends.

To join The Poetry Palace, please fill out the contact form below.
Be sure to tell us about your goals for joining The Poetry Palace, and why you think our community sounds like the right place for you!
(No publishing credits required!)